Month: July 2017

The Hidden Dangers of Male Masturbation.

The art of self love is a widely accepted part of our modern sex lives. Long gone are the days when the act of masturbation was a taboo subject or a matter of societal shame and it is generally regarded as a healthy outlet. There have even been studies suggesting that frequent ejaculation can reduce… Read more »

Taking things up a Notch.

The first kiss is a magical element to a long lasting relationship and it’s outcome can set in stone a long reaching future of mutual happiness. For many though, this is often the most difficult hurdle to leap over. Your dates have been going well, you are regularly communicating and have plans to meet up… Read more »

Solving Problems in a Relationship.

We all want our relationships to last. Be that forever or a long period of time, we want the efforts we put into our love lives to bear fruit and just like anything that grows we need to maintain and care for it. It is all too easy to ignore those nagging thoughts in the… Read more »

Winning new friends and strengthening our Social Skills.

Something that many people don’t consider when it comes to ways to meeting a new partner is the importance friendships can play in this. Our friends are something we very much take for granted when growing up, be that tumbles and scraps in the playground being all it takes to secure a new companion or… Read more »

The importance of a tidy household.

It’s all gone like clockwork. The date has gone wonderfully, the chemistry between you is on fire and it looks like they are going to come back to yours for a coffee and maybe more. What sort of first impression will they be greeted with and what can you do to maximise this impact? We… Read more »