Month: August 2017

Sexless Marriage Help.

Once the physical spark of sexual attraction has been dimmed between a married couple a chain of events is set in motion then can prove to be disastrous. If unchecked, the lack of sex can and often will lead to many negative feelings such as frustration, resentment, guilt, betrayal, rejection, inadequacy, contempt and worse. As… Read more »

The Many Forms of Love.

Many of the concepts of Love that are familiar to us today were initially described by the ancient Greeks and these archetypes have stayed with us and evolved into our current understanding of our affectionate emotions. These described forms encompass all types of love, from that directed towards our romantic partners, to our feelings for… Read more »

Pistanthrophobia – The fear of trust.

One of the fundamental ways we learn and develop as individuals is by experience. Common sense and reason should be our driving force for development, but things that we go through are far more likely to stick with us and drive our actions and future choices. As such, the end of a messy relationship or… Read more »

Lost that loving feeling?

A lack of sexual desire is a very common concern for both men and women and the reasons behind the issue are as diverse as they can upsetting. Sex and our sexual prowess is seen as an important part of our identities and if something goes awry with this it can be hugely damaging, not… Read more »