Month: September 2017

The Madonna/Whore Complex.

Sigmund Freud, the great Grand Daddy of Psychoanalysis, first coined the term “The Madonna/Whore Complex” back in 1925 and used it to describe two archetypal ways that we can view women: either as the virtuous and the saintly with little interest in her own sexual agenda or as the lewd and lascivious, obsessed with sex… Read more »

How can I ever trust you again?

An affair or other infidelity can be one of the most heart breaking events we can experience. After years of trust and building up a bond, a friendship and an intimate connection with someone who may also now be the parent to your children only to find they have sought comfort in the arms of… Read more »

“You always put me last!” Sex after Children.

For many, the goal of childbirth is an important factor in their pursuit of marriage or a relationship. Even on a subconscious level and as much as we might wish to think otherwise, our lusts, attractions and affections will be revolving around our need to produce offspring. It’s in someways ironic then that when a… Read more »

Sexless Marriage – The Facts.

In what might strike you as a shocking statistic, research shows that almost half of all married couples report that they have sexual relations less than ten times a year. Whilst this might come as reassurance for those who find themselves stuck in such a situation, the knowledge that it isn’t something wrong with you… Read more »

Ways out of a sexless marriage

In last week’s blog we looked at the phenomena of the sexless marriage, explored a few of the reasons such a situation can come about and discussed how common this issue has become in today’s society. To quickly recap things for you, a sexless marriage is when the spark of physical intimacy has been lost… Read more »