Month: November 2017

Forgiving After a Betrayal.

To be cheated on by your partner, someone to whom you have given your trust and your love is a terrible betrayal. More than just a thoughtless act, it sets in motion a series of complex and increasingly toxic feelings, breaking down everything you have worked so hard to nurture and causing deep wounds that… Read more »

How to Communicate Effectively in a Relationship.

It is hard to underestimate the importance of healthy communication with our partners. Many of the problems facing us today as we navigate the often complex waters of our relationships could either be solved or at least minimized if only we could learn to talk, listen and comprehend each other better. There are many barriers… Read more »

Sex During Pregnancy.

Pregnancy is a time of great change in a woman’s body. For some this can result in a heightened sex drive and for others quite the opposite can be the case, with neither outcome considered the norm. Desires can fluctuate, dependent on many factors such as changes in emotional responses as well as the fatigue… Read more »

Alcohol – It’s harmful effect on your relationship.

From the earliest recorded history, alcohol has played a large part in human culture and interactions. As an example of this, the Greco-Roman deity Dionysus, the God of, amongst other things, wine making was worshiped as far back as 1500–1100 BC with art and stories depicting the consumption of wine as part of daily life…. Read more »